
These tools will not only help you you save time, they will in turn save you money! Want to see your favourite tool here? Send me a note here, and let me know why you like it, and why it should be added!

These tools will help you save time (and of course money)

  • LastPass Password Manager -LastPass remembers all your passwords, so you don't have to.
  • AdBlock Extension - AdBlock gets rid of everything—Google ads, banner ads on websites, YouTube video ads, you name it.

Marketing Tools

  • Facebook - free social platform with the ability to create demographic specific ads to your potential clients
  • MailChimp - With drag-and-drop features, dozens of free templates, and the ability to send drip email campaigns, this tool with revolutionize your marketing.
  • LinkedIn - Iit’s a great place to manage and make new connections, to find and hire employees, and to build a portfolio that showcases your skills, experience, and abilities.

Email Management Tools

  • Boomerang for GMail - This handy little tool allows you to write and schedule your emails for a more “appropriate” sending time. Want to look like you’re an early morning riser? Write your 2am email, schedule it for 7am, and sleep right through as it sends!

Survey Tools (great for getting customer feedback)

  • SurveyMonkey - is great for providing free survey results from your customers

Branding and Design for the DIYr - not that we don't want to assist you with yours - but some of the smaller projects can be completed by the client easily!

  • Canva - Not only is it completely free (you only need to pay for any stock photos you use), but it also requires minimal learning, has a number of templates, and is chock-a-block full of free graphics, icons, and shapes.
  • PicMonkey - PicMonkey will let you crop, change the color of your picture, rotate, adjust exposure, sharpen, add creative frames, icons, text resize, and a number of other things.

Have a resource you would like added? Drop us a line and let us know!